Schwa Complete PowerPoint + Activities Bundle
Bundle (6)
Schwa Activities & Displays Bundle
Bundle (5)

Schwa Worksheets & Schwa Word Sort Activity

Schwa Game - Roll and find the schwa words

Schwa Activity - Word and Picture Sort for Schwa Words

Schwa Classroom Display - Find the Schwa - Learning Wall Phonics Posters

Schwa PowerPoint Lesson Slides - Phonics Teaching Slides for Schwa Sound

Decodable Word Lists - Schwa Sound Words

Spelling Frequencies for VOWEL SOUNDS

Phonics Profile Assessments

Mouth Articulation Flash Cards RAINBOW

Mouth Articulation Flash Cards NEUTRAL

Sound Wall Posters with Mouth Articulations RAINBOW

Sound Wall Posters with Mouth Articulations NEUTRAL

Sound Wall with Mouth Articulations NEUTRAL

Sound Wall with Mouth Articulations RAINBOW

Synthetic Phonics Spelling Definitions - Spelling Metalanguage Posters

Synthetic Phonics Spelling Definitions - Spelling Metalanguage Posters - CHEVRON