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Free Printable 100 & 101 Days of School Crown, and other 100th & 101st Day of School Activities

Tam Milledge·Teaching·8 minute read

Are you celebrating the 100th day of school and looking for 100th day of school ideas? A 100th day of school celebration is always so much fun for kindergarten students, 1st grade students and even 2nd grade students! Keep reading for loads of fun activities, creative ideas and 100 days of school printables to help you and your students to have a very happy 100th day of school.

OR, are you looking for a fun alternative? Head to the bottom of this post for a great way to mix things up - celebrating the 101st day of school!

Counting the Days of School

Counting the days of the school year is a great daily number activity in the lead up to your 100th day of school. Here are few examples of how you might like to display your days of school count.

days of school displays

Alternatively, you might like to use The Hive's digital version!

100th Day of School Crown

Kids will love creating a 100th day of school hat as part of your 100th day celebration!

This 100th day crown is a free printable from Mrs Learning Bee. There are a variety of text options including 'I am 100 days smarter' and '100th day of school'.

100th Day Activities for Literacy

There are loads of fun 100 days of school activities which can consolidate early literacy skills as well.

100th day of school centers for literacy could include:

  • Make a word using the letters from 'one hundred days of school'
  • Putting words in alphabetical order
  • Brainstorming words starting with 'h'
  • Brainstorming adjectives about school
  • Draw yourself at the age you are now, and at 100 years old
  • Writing descriptive sentences
  • Build a sentence using a pre-made sentence strip and picture cards
  • Sight word hunt - the whole class will LOVE finding words around the kindergarten classroom! My 100 days pack includes 100 high-frequency words plus editable templates to add your own words
  • Word Search

You could also use the following writing prompts:

  • When I am 100...
  • If I had 100...
  • This year I have learned...
  • I am 100 days smarter because I know...
  • My favourite (or favourite) thing about school...

Check out these fun writing prompts - they make an awesome display as well!

100th Day Activities for Numeracy

There are loads of fun 100 days of school activities which can consolidate early numeracy skills as well.

100th day stations for maths could include:

  • Roll to 100 using a hundreds chart
  • Write to 100 using a hundreds chart- Counting by ones
  • Counting by twos
  • Counting by fives
  • Counting by tens
  • Number before/after
  • Differentiated before/after task cards 1-50, then 60, 70, 80, 90, 100. There's a range of different options for this. Students can write the numbers one, two or ten more/less, depending on their level.
  • Ten more or less
  • Ten frames
  • Addition number sentences
  • Subtraction number sentences
  • Tally marks to 100
  • What does 100 look like? Task cards for 100th day collections of classroom items such as cubes, counters, dominoes, popsicle sticks, pencils, crayons, students, cards.

Kids will also LOVE this 100 second challenge! It is a free download from Mrs Learning Bee, and is also available for 101 days too. 

Free 100th Day of School Digital Slides

You can continue the 100 days of school fun with these free digital slides.

These free slides include:

  • Writing prompts
  • What does 100 look like- 17 different options using regular items or small food items found around the home, classroom and playground e.g. 100 stones, 100 leaves, 100 counters, 100 grains of rice, 100 googly eyes
  • Counting to 100
  • Numbers before and after (2 levels)
  • Addition to 10 and Addition to 20 (includes editable slides)
  • Fine Motor Challenges to build fine motor skills e.g. can you thread 100 beads, can you roll 100 balls of playdough, can you count out 100 pom poms, can you make 100 drops of water?
  • Task Challenges e.g. can you bounce a ball 100 times, can you find something that is the same length as a 100cm piece of string?

Other 100 Days Activities for your 100 Days of School Celebration

  • 100 playdough mat - kids can make this big number using playdough!
  • Colouring Pages - students could decorate the number 100 or include mystery pictures inside the number
  • 100th day mystery picture
  • 100 days of school certificate
  • 100th day of school crafts e.g. fun 100th day glasses, 100th day visor, 100 gumballs in a gumball machine
  • A themed 100th day snack - students might like to bring in a special snack that is themed to their special day

You can also download these free printable 100 Days Brighter templates for your students. 

Mix things up by celebrating the 101st day of school!

I personally love celebrating 101 days of school - it's a fun alternative to 100 days! The kids love dressing up in spots and completing 101 Dalmatians-themed activities!


101st Day of School Literacy Activities include:

  • Make a word
  • Alphabetical order
  • Words starting with 'h'
  • School adjectives
101 days of school
  • Draw yourself now and at 101
  • Descriptive sentences
  • Build a sentence - using a pre-made sentence strip and picture cards
  • Bone-themed Word hunt - includes 100 high-frequency words plus editable template to add your own words
  • Find a word

Writing prompts:

  • When I am 101...
  • If I had 101 dalmatians...
  • If I had a pet dalmatian...
  • This year I have learned...
  • I am 101 days smarter because I know...
  • My favourite (or favorite) thing about school...

101st Day of School Numeracy Activities include:

  • Roll to 101 using a hundreds chart
  • Writing to 101 using a hundreds chart
  • Counting by ones (2 levels)
  • Counting by twos (2 levels)
  • Counting by fives (2 levels)
  • Counting by tens
  • Number before/after (2 levels)
  • Differentiated before/after task cards 1-50, then 60, 70, 80, 90, 100. Students can write the numbers one, two or ten more/less, depending on their level.
  • Ten more or less
  • Ten frames
  • Addition number sentences
  • Subtraction number sentences
  • Tally to 101
  • What does 101 look like? Task cards for cubes, counters, dominoes, popsicle sticks, pencils, crayons, students, cards.

Other fun ideas for your 101st day of school celebration:

  • Dressing up as dalmatians
  • Making a dalmatian paper plate craft
  • 101 playdough mat
  • 101 colouring page
  • 101st Day of School mystery picture
  • 101st Day of School Certificate (2 sizes)
101 days of school

Free 101st Day of School Digital Slides

You can continue the 101 days of school fun with these free digital slides.

They include:

  • Writing prompts
  • What does 101 look like- 17 different options using regular items or small food items found around the home, classroom and playground e.g. 100 stones, 101 leaves, 101 counters, 101 grains of rice, 101 googly eyes
  • Counting to 101
  • Numbers before and after (2 levels)
  • Addition to 10 and Addition to 20 (includes editable slides)
  • Fine Motor Challenges to build fine motor skills e.g. can you thread 101 beads, can you roll 101 balls of playdough, can you count out 101 pom poms, can you make 101 drops of water?
  • Task Challenges e.g. can you bounce a ball 101 times, can you find something that is the same length as a 101cm piece of string?

And, top it all off with your FREE Printable 101 Days of School Crown!

Just like the free printable 100 days of school crown, the 101 days of school crown also comes with a variety of different wording options, as well as an editable version!

Whether you're celebrating 100 days of school or 101 days of school, your kids will have an absolute blast! I hope this blog post has given you loads of ideas to make it a super special, enjoyable and EDUCATIONAL day for your kids!

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Tam Milledge
Tam holding a resource she created.
Tam is passionate about creating purposeful, research-based resources that help students build strong foundations for success.

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