- Kindness is important because...
- I can show kindness to my friends by...
- How to be a kind friend
- KINDNESS acrostic poem
- How to be a Kindness Hero (male and female versions)
- Why Kindness is a universal language
- Should Kindness be a subject?
- Kindness recipe
- Warm Words
- Be the reason someone SMILES today
- In a world where you can be anything, BE KIND!
- Throw KINDNESS like confetti!
- Be kind always!
- KINDNESS is a universal language!
- It's cool to be kind!
- Choose KIND
- Kindness is never wasted
- Kindness links us together
- I am KIND (boy and girl versions)
- Kindness is a universal language!
- In a world where you can be anything, be kind!
- Choose kindness!
- Be kind always!
- Be the reason that someone smiles today!
- One kind word can change someone's entire day!
- Kind thoughts shine out of your face just like sunbeams!
- Throw kindness like confetti!
- Let kindness bloom!
- Kindness is... Kindness isn't...
- Ways I can be kind at school/home
- 3 ways I can be kind today...
- How can I be kind?
- Kindness looks like, feels like, sounds like
KINDNESS TOKENS (colour and black/white versions)
- SPOTTED being kind!
- It's cool to be kind!
Small acts of kindness can start a domino effect. If you use this resource, or any of my other kindness resources, please feel free to share on Instagram with the hashtag #kindnessdominoes so that we can all enjoy seeing kindness in action!