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What are the chances - Probability Flap Book Templates

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Students write or draw three different scenarios.

Underneath each scenario, they write the chances of that scenario occurring:

•It will happen

•It might happen

•It won’t happen

Cover each chance statement with a post-it note, or use the included flaps.

You might like to compile all of the student templates into a class book called, ‘What are the Chances?’ and use the included cover page.

This activity is included in The Hive's Math program for Statistics & Probability: Chance - Possible Outcomes (Grades 1 & 2).

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Format > Worksheet/Printable
Content Area > Mathematics > 3. Statistics & Probability
Learning Programs > Maths > Grades 1 & 2 > 3. Statistics & Probability > Probability (Chance) > Chance > Possible Outcomes