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TIME TO BE KIND - Kasey Rainbow Kindness Display

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Brighten up your classroom or learning space with this TIME TO BE KIND display!

Simply position the letters around a clock (to replace the 'o' in 'to'). 

These displays come in 3 x Kasey Rainbow designs.  


For more kindness resources (including all my #kindnessdominoes freebies) check out the Kindness category of Mrs Learning Bee. 

Small acts of kindness can start a domino effect. If you use this resource, or any of my other kindness resources, please feel free to share on Instagram with the hashtag #kindnessdominoes so that we can all enjoy seeing kindness in action! 


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Classroom > Decor Packs > BEEYOND THE RAINBOW by Kasey Rainbow
Format > Displays & Posters
Content Area > Social-Emotional > Kindness