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Subitising Warm Up Activity 11-20

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These dot pattern number cards for 11-20 will make a great number and subitising warm up for your maths lessons!

Place the numerals in one line (random order), and the dot patterns in a parallel line (random order). One partner stands in front of the dot patterns. The other partner subitises and stands in front of the matching numeral.

Numbers & dot patterns to 11-20 are included. For a simpler alternative, display less numbers. For a more complex task, display all numbers from 11-20.

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Format > Math Games & Activities
Format > Task Cards
Learning Programs > Maths > Kindergarten/Foundation > 1. Number & Algebra > Whole Number > Subitising and Number Patterns
Year/Grade > Kindergarten
Content Area > Mathematics > 1. Number and Algebra > Whole Number