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Split Strategy Addition Task Cards

Only in The Hive
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Includes 24 task cards for consolidating the split strategy for addition of 2-digit numbers. 

Also includes blank task cards for students to create their own number problems to solve with the split strategy - they could create these number problems using numeral cards or dice. 

  • Add the tens together
  • Add the ones together
  • Combine to find the total
You might like to use the matching digital slides and/or matching worksheets for this activity. 

This activity is included in The Hive's Math program for FORMING MULTIPLES OF 10 FOR ADDITION (Grades 1 & 2).

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Format > Math Games & Activities
Format > Task Cards
Learning Programs > Maths > Grades 1 & 2 > 1. Number and Algebra > Addition & Subtraction > Forming Multiples of 10 for ADDITION
Year/Grade > 1st
Year/Grade > 2nd
Content Area > Mathematics > 1. Number and Algebra > Addition & Subtraction