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Short Vowel Sounds Brainstorm Templates & Assessments

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Are you teaching the short vowel sounds, and looking for some open-ended assessment and/or short vowel worksheets to consolidate the different short vowel spellings? These brainstorm templates can be used as a record of student learning or class brainstorms, or are a fantastic open-ended assessment tool to assess what students have learnt at the end of a target phoneme focus.

Choose from a wide variety of activity options!

For each long vowel sound there are a variety of pages that include:

  • 2 x differentiated worksheets- students break up the short vowel words into individual sounds, then draw the word or put it into a sentence. At the bottom of the worksheet, they write how many ways they know to represent that phoneme.
  • Brainstorm words with each of the main spellings for the short vowel sounds
  • List words with each of the main spellings for the short vowel sounds (includes an 'other' column where students can demonstrate their knowledge of less common spellings.
  • Fun brainstorm pages with pictures related to each of the short vowel sounds

Differentiate your assessment!

The graphic organisers allow you to differentiate your assessing:

  • Students requiring support may only fill out some of the columns or provide a couple of examples for each word.
  • More capable students can demonstrate the extent of their knowledge by writing as many words as they can think of (rather than capping them by only testing them on a limited number of words) and/or showing extension representations.
  • To further extend the assessment, block out the graphemes and get the students to fill that part in themselves. 

Short vowel sounds included:

  • Short vowel a
  • Short vowel o
  • Short vowel u
  • Short vowel i
  • Short vowel e
  • Short vowel oo

Please note: this resource has been created from an Australian accent. There may be some variation with some words. For those with a US accent, simply pick and choose the pages that work best for you and your accent!

Tagged with

Year/Grade > 1st
Year/Grade > 2nd
Year/Grade > 3rd
Format > Worksheet/Printable
Format > Assessment
Content Area > Literacy > Phonics > Spelling Activities > Phonics Review
Content Area > Literacy > Phonics > Assessment