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Shades of Meaning - Interactive Adjectives Activity

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Shades of meaning is a fantastic way to build descriptive language skills, as students compare different adjectives and their 'shades of meaning'.

In this interactive vocabulary activity, students order adjectives from least intense to most intense. They could also add their own additional words. 

This resource includes:
  • Templates in 2 designs in 7 colours + black & white
  • 28 ‘shades of meaning’ adjective options are included, with space for students to add their own word alternatives. 
  • Also includes a completely blank template for students to write in their own adjectives.

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Year/Grade > 1st
Year/Grade > 2nd
Year/Grade > 3rd
Format > Literacy Games & Activities
Content Area > Literacy > Grammar & Vocabulary > Parts of Speech > Adjectives > All
Content Area > Literacy > Grammar & Vocabulary > Descriptive Language