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Sentence Openers Task Cards - VCOP aligned

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These sentence opener task cards can be used to support students in using a wider variety of sentence openers in their descriptive writing.

They include over 100 sentence opener task cards for:
  • Adverb Openers
  • Adjective Openers
  • Simile Openers
  • Alliteration Openers
  • Manner Openers
  • Location Openers
  • Time Openers
  • Verb –ed Openers
  • Verb – ing Openers
  • Connective Openers
  • Students write a sentence using the target sentence opener.
If you use the VCOP program, these task cards are blue to match the VCOP Opener colours!

Be sure to check out all of my VCOP-aligned task cards for vocabulary, sentence openers, conjunctions, punctuation and descriptive language.

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Content Area > Literacy > Grammar & Vocabulary > Descriptive Language