The first six letters/ sounds that students are introduced to, when learning phonics, are usually s, a, t, p, i, and n.
Combining explicit teaching of these sounds with fun, hands on activities will ensure students learn, have a good understanding and use these sounds in early reading and writing.
This pack includes:
* Read and Write activity- students can practise blending the sounds to read and write the word. They could also use concrete materials to make the words.
* Roll a Sound activity- students roll a dice and practise saying the sounds and forming the letters.
* Peg Cards- students use pegs to identify the initial sound of the image.
* Letter Tracing Cards with ocean animals- students practise forming the letters- capital and lowercase.
* Play dough or fine motor mats- students use play dough or small objects to make the letters. They may also trace the letters using whiteboard markers.
* Sound Bingo- students can play bingo by picking a letter (using letter discs, magnetic letters, wooden letters or similar) and place an object on the letter on their board. This helps with oral language and letter recognition.
Australian Curriculum content descriptions
Recognise and name all upper and lower case letters (graphemes) and know the most common sound that each letter represents (ACELA1440)
Understand how to use knowledge of letters and sounds including onset and rime to spell words (ACELA1438)