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Roll a 2D Shape - Drawing 2D Shapes Activity

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This 2D shape template is an engaging way to introduce or consolidate knowledge of simple 2D shapes. Students roll the dice and trace the 2D shapes. Their aim is to keep rolling until they've managed to trace the entire board.

This template would also make a simple math rotation- simply place in wipe mats!

This activity is included in The Hive's Math program for 2D Spatial Structure: Representing 2D Shapes (Kindergarten/Prep). 

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Format > Math Games & Activities
Learning Programs > Maths > Kindergarten/Foundation > 2. Measurement & Space > 2D Spatial Structure > Represent 2D Shapes
Year/Grade > Kindergarten
Format > Worksheet/Printable
Content Area > Mathematics > 2. Measurement & Space > 2D Spatial Structure > 2D Shapes