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Representing Data Part A - Grade 1 & 2 Program

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This Teaching & Learning Program is designed for Grade 1 & 2 students.

Pick and choose from 5 days' worth of differentiated activities. 

For NSW Teachers, this program relates to the NSW Maths Syllabus DATA A.

  • Outcome: Reasons about representations of data to describe and interpret the results. MA1-DATA-02


  • Represent data with objects and drawings and describe the displays:

    • Use concrete materials or pictures of objects as symbols to create data displays where one object or picture represents one data value

    • Describe information presented in one-to-one data displays (Reasons about relations)

    • Use comparative language to describe information presented in a display, such as ‘more than' and ‘less than’

    • Interpret a data display and identify the biggest or smallest values

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Content Area > Mathematics > 3. Statistics & Probability
Learning Programs > Maths > Grades 1 & 2 > 3. Statistics & Probability > Statistics (Data) > Representing Data Part A