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Real and Nonsense Consonant Digraphs CH SH TH WH Words - Phonics Game - BURIED TREASURE

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Are you looking for engaging and fun consonant digraph word phonics games for the Kindergarten and Grade One classroom?

This phonics activity is a great way to consolidate consonant digraph words by getting students to blend and read nonsense and real decodable words.

Students blend and read the nonsense and real words with consonant digraphs sh th wh wh.

96 real and nonsense words are included. You could hide these in sand, rice or other sensory materials so that they are digging for treasure. Students then discard the nonsense words (or place on the Trash mat) and put the real words on their Buried Treasure mats.

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Year/Grade > Kindergarten
Year/Grade > 1st
Format > Literacy Games & Activities
Content Area > Literacy > Phonics > All Decodable > 2. Consonant Digraphs
Content Area > Literacy > Phonics > Spelling Activities > Trash or Treasure