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Punctuation Posters

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These posters show punctuation marks that students will use when writing. Each poster gives a brief outline of when to use them. They can be displayed on a writing wall to allow students to check their punctuation and edit their work.

These print out 2 posters per A4 page.

 Curriculum content descriptions

Understand that punctuation is a feature of written text different from letters; recognise how capital letters are used for names, and that capital letters and full stops signal the beginning and end of sentences (ACELA1432)

Recognise that different types of punctuation, including full stops, question marks and exclamation marks, signal sentences that make statements, ask questions, express emotion or give commands (ACELA1449)

Understand how the grammatical category of possessives is signalled through apostrophes and how to use apostrophes with common and proper nouns (ACELA1506)

Understand the uses of commas to separate clauses (ACELA1521)

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Format > Displays & Posters
Content Area > Literacy > Grammar & Vocabulary > Punctuation
Collaborations > x Wholehearted Resources