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Persuasive Writing Templates & Slides - The Day The Crayons Quit

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Are you teaching persuasive writing or opinion writing in the early years and looking for a wide range of engaging, fun activities for teaching persuasive writing?

A variety of writing templates and activities are included for the mentor text: The Day The Crayons Quit

  • Crayon Landscape Worksheet: Dear _______. Please do not quit. I need you when I want to draw…
  • “Who Am I?”. These can either be made into mini books (print 2 or 4 to a page and staple together) or as a single page activity. Students write clues about what you need each colour for. Glue the ‘Who Am I?’ flap over the top of the answer.
  • Writing Template: The best colour is ______ because _______. 
  • Crayon craftivity- print crayon template on coloured paper. Print the ‘I like you because…’ templates on white paper. Students draw or list the reasons that they like that colour, then glue onto the crayon template. Alternatively, they can write straight onto the crayon template and colour in.
  • Crayon card craft– fold in half and add googly eyes and black strips to resemble a crayon. On the inside, write a letter to the crayon to tell them why you like them. 
  • Letter to a crayon- students fill in the missing words. 
  • Favourite colour graph- survey students in your class and complete the graph. 
  • Read Red is Best. Pick your favourite colour and list the reasons that colour is best. 
Also includes PowerPoint slides to work through activities as a whole class + hyperlinked read aloud of the book.

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Year/Grade > Kindergarten
Year/Grade > 2nd
Format > Worksheet/Printable
Format > PowerPoint
Content Area > Literacy > Writing > Persuasive