Number Before & After Open-Ended Train Mats
Only in The Hive
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Students roll a dice (differentiate with the number of sides) and write the number in the middle carriage. They must then write the number BEFORE and the number AFTER.
Includes 10 mats in total, with 2 different levels.
Black & white versions are also included.
This activity is included in The Hive's Math program for ADDITION & SUBTRACTION: Count by One Strategies (Grades 1 & 2).
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Format > Math Games & Activities
Learning Programs > Maths > Grades 1 & 2 > 1. Number and Algebra > Addition & Subtraction > Addition & Subtraction: Count by One Strategies
Year/Grade > 1st
Year/Grade > 2nd
Content Area > Mathematics > 1. Number and Algebra > Addition & Subtraction