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Narrative Writing Lesson Slides - Fairy Tales - Imaginative Texts POWERPOINT

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These Powerpoints are all you need to introduce narratives/fairy tales to the younger years. 


Introduction of 2 different models/scaffolds for fairy tales

  • Character, Setting, Problem, Solution OR

  • Orientation, Complication, Resolution.

  • Sentence Starters:

    • Once upon a time

    • One day

    • Suddenly

    • Luckily


  • Gingerbread Man character description

  • Inside and outside traits (including lots of character pictures to describe)

  • What makes a character 'good' or 'bad'

  • Character descriptions (using 3 Little Pigs as a stimulus)

  • What if a character was just misunderstood?

  • Create your own characters


  • Using our senses to describe settings

  • Little Red Riding Hood and Ninja Red Riding Hood stimulus activities

  • Create your own settings


  • Problems in different fairy tales

  • 3 Billy Goats Gruff stimulus activities

  • Gingerbread Man stimulus activities

  • Create our own problems

Solving Problems

  • Hansel & Gretel stimulus activities

  • Paper Bag Princess stimulus activities

  • Jack and the Beanstalk- create your own version by changing certain details.

 Planning and writing your own fairytale

This Powerpoint is designed to complement my Fairy Tales Mega Pack, which includes a writing unit for an entire term and over 100 activities.

Get the complete narratives/fairytale bundle here!

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Year/Grade > Kindergarten
Year/Grade > 1st
Year/Grade > 2nd
Format > PowerPoint
Format > Google Slides
Content Area > Literacy > Writing > Imaginative