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LOOKALIKE WORDS with CVCC CCVC Short U Words - Task Cards & Printables

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These low prep phonics task cards & phonics worksheets are great phonics activities for consolidating CVCC CCVC Short U words. Students must carefully blend and decode CVCC CCVC Short U words in order to identify the correct word from the lookalike words.

Why use lookalike words?

Do your students mix up sounds when they are trying to decode CVCC CCVC Short U words? By providing children with CVCC CCVC Short U words that look alike, we can help to teach our students to not simply look at the first letter or rely on guesswork.

These lookalike word activities encourage children to attend to each sound within the CVCC CCVC Short U words, in order to identify the correct word to match the CVCC CCVC Short U word pictures.

This resource includes 3 activities in 1 pack:

  • 2 x colour mats for students to identify the CVCC CCVC Short U word - use as a literacy rotation activity
  • 2 x black & white mats for students to identify the CVCC CCVC Short U word - use as a consolidation worksheet
  • Individual task cards - perfect for picking & choosing words to align with your phonics scope & sequence. Use pegs or counters to identify the correct word.

4 full-size mats (2 x colour and 2 x black & white) and 16 individual task cards with CVCC CCVC Short U words are included.

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Format > Worksheet/Printable
Content Area > Literacy > Phonics > All Decodable > 1. CVC & CVCC CCVC Words > CVCC CCVC CCVCC Words
Content Area > Literacy > Phonics > All Decodable > 1. CVC & CVCC CCVC Words > CVC Words
Content Area > Literacy > Phonics > Spelling Activities > Lookalike Words