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Long Vowel Sound Board Games - Phonics Games for Long Vowel Teams

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Are you looking for games to teach long vowel i sound, long vowel a sound, long vowel e sound, long vowel o sound and long vowel u sound? These print and go long vowel team games cover all the long vowel sounds and each game can be differentiated in a variety of ways to consolidate the spelling of long vowel sound words.

  • 5 x Long Vowel Board Games with common spellings for the long vowel teams - students can brainstorm words that use those graphemes. E.g. if they land on 'ay', they might think of the words play, day or say.
  • 30 x board games with long vowel words (6 of each long vowel sound). Extension idea- write the word and/or think of another word that uses that same spelling.

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Content Area > Literacy > Phonics > All Decodable > 3. Long Vowels
Content Area > Literacy > Phonics > Spelling Activities > Board Games