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LONG VOWEL A POPPIT TASK CARDS - Phonemic Awareness + Word Mapping

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Are you teaching students to orthographically map the long vowel sounds? These Long Vowel A task cards are a low-prep phonics activity which you can use in your Grade 1 phonics or Grade 2 phonics lessons.

These Long Vowel A poppit task cards with long A words can be used to consolidate early phonemic awareness and phonics skills as students blend and segment long vowel a words. Over 90 task cards are included for long vowel a words (all common spellings) with 2 sounds, 3 sounds, 4 sounds or 5 sounds.

These cards can be used in a variety of ways to target different skills: 

Level 1: Phonemic Awareness

Students pop each of the sounds in over 90 long vowel a words. 

Level 2: Map/spell the word

Students pop each of the sounds, then build the word with alphabet manipulatives or spell the word.

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Year/Grade > Kindergarten
Year/Grade > 1st
Format > Literacy Games & Activities
Content Area > Literacy > Phonics > All Decodable > 3. Long Vowels
Content Area > Literacy > Phonics > Phonological Awareness > Phonemic Awareness
Content Area > Literacy > Phonics > Spelling Activities > Poppit Activities