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K-2 Math Games

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These differentiated maths games are designed to develop early number skills, addition and subtraction, using simple classroom equipment (dice, dominoes, unifix cubes, playing cards, mini whiteboards). They allow you to target instruction based on the level of all your students. There are up to 9 levels included for every game!

9 games are included to develop skills across a K-2 level (even some Year 3/4 students). 

 I can statements are included for each level. They include:

  • I can identify numbers 1-6
  • I can identify numbers to 10
  • I can identify numbers to 20
  • I can identify numbers to 100
  • I can identify numbers to 1000
  • I can identify numbers to 10 000
  • I count count dots to add numbers together
  • I can use pictures to add numbers together
  • I can use concrete materials to add numbers together
  • I can visualize numbers to add them together
  • I can count on to add numbers together
  • I can count on to add numbers to 3
  • I can use my knowledge of ten to add numbers
  • I can use a range of strategies to add numbers to 3
  • I can use known facts and other non count-by-one strategies to add numbers
  • I can use my knowledge of doubles to ad
  • I can use a range of strategies to add two-digit numbers
  • I can use known facts and other non count-by-one strategies to add two digit numbers
  • I can use my knowledge of hundreds, tens and ones to ad
  • I can use concrete materials to subtract numbers
  • I can subtract numbers along a number line
  • I can visualize to subtract numbers
  • I can count back to subtract numbers
  • I can use a range of strategies to add and subtract single digit numbers
  • I can use a range of strategies to subtract two-digit number
  • I can use my knowledge of hundreds, tends and ones to flexibly subtract numbers

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Format > Math Games & Activities
Year/Grade > Kindergarten
Year/Grade > 1st
Year/Grade > 2nd
Year/Grade > 3rd
Content Area > Mathematics > 1. Number and Algebra > Whole Number