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Interactive Kindness Display - Kindness Menu

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Use this interactive kindness display to inspire your students to choose kindness. 

The other posters can be put on display and students come and tick each time they have performed one of those kind acts. They include:

  • I have offered to help
  • I have given a compliment
  • I have smiled at someone
  • - have looked after our classroom
  • I have used my manners

This now includes an editable version if you would like to adapt for your own classroom!

There are also kindness heart accents to add to your display, and a couple of headings:

  •  "Tick if you have done any of the following acts of kindness today"
  •  "What have YOU done to be kind today?"

For more kindness resources (including all my #kindnessdominoes freebies) check out the Kindness Section of Mrs Learning Bee.

Small acts of kindness can start a domino effect. If you use this resource, or any of my other kindness resources, please feel free to share on Instagram with the hashtag #kindnessdominoes so that we can all enjoy seeing kindness in action!


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Year/Grade > Non-specific
Content Area > Social-Emotional > Kindness