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I See, I Think, I Wonder... Pack

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Igniting curiosity in children is an important part of student inquiry. Allowing students to make observations about a topic and express what they think, promotes meaningful discussions and inquiring minds. 

This pack focuses on the I wonder... questions students may have about a topic and encourages them to wonder or think about a topic on a deeper level. 

This pack includes:

*I wonder... banner which can be displayed with students inquiry questions on any topic in the classroom. 

*I wonder... poster which displays the various ways students could start a I wonder... question. 

*I wonder Activity card where students can write and save their questions that could be used for future discussions or to consolidate a topic. 

*2 x I See, I Think, I Wonder Activity cards where students can record their journey of inquiry as they work through the different stages of what they see, what that makes them think and what they wonder and want to find out about a topic. 

The banner prints out 3 x A4 pages to be stuck together. 

The Poster and Activity Cards print out A4 in size. 

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Format > Displays & Posters
Content Area > Science
Content Area > Geography
Content Area > History
Collaborations > x Wholehearted Resources
Classroom > Decor Packs > Wholehearted Resources