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How Many More Task Cards - Using number bonds to find multiples of 10

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Use these task cards to consolidate using Friends of 10 (or 20) to find the closest multiple of 10. 

Find the closest multiple of 10 using Friends of 10. Students match the ice-cream scoops to the cone. They may like to also write the total in the base of the cone or on mini-whiteboards. 

Includes ​ice-cream scoops with ​Friends of 10. 

Differentiation option - use the ice-cream scoops with Friends of 20. 

This activity is included in The Hive's Math program for Counting Sequences with 3-Digit Numbers (Grades 1 & 2).

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Format > Math Games & Activities
Format > Task Cards
Learning Programs > Maths > Grades 1 & 2 > 1. Number and Algebra > Whole Number > Counting Sequences with 3-Digit Numbers
Year/Grade > 1st
Year/Grade > 2nd
Content Area > Mathematics > 1. Number and Algebra > Whole Number