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GENTLE CINDY - Word Sort for Soft G and Soft C Spelling Rule

Only in The Hive
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These Gentle Cindy word sort templates are a fabulous way to teach children about Soft G and Soft C: 

G and C say their soft /j/ and /s/ sounds when followed by the letters e, i or y. This is always true for C. It is usually true for G, with notable exceptions being words with Germanic language roots e.g. girl, get, give, gift).

Featuring a Gentle Cindy design which is exclusive to Mrs Learning Bee and The Hive - Cindy's eyes, nose and mouth are e, i and y, and her earrings are g/j and c/s. 

Students sort 38 x soft and hard G words and 38 x sort and hard C words according to the Gentle Cindy spelling generalisation.

Also comes in black & white versions.

Use these decodable resources alongside our Phonics PowerPoints and Hive decodable apps.

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Year/Grade > 1st
Year/Grade > 2nd
Year/Grade > 3rd
Year/Grade > 4th
Format > Worksheet/Printable
Format > Literacy Games & Activities
Content Area > Literacy > Phonics > Spelling Activities > Word Sorts
Content Area > Literacy > Phonics > Spelling Generalisations