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CVC Words Phonics Game - Four in A Row Decodable Words Activity

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This engaging Kindergarten phonics game is the perfect addition to Kindergarten phonics lessons. Students love decoding the CVC words as they play Four In A Row!

Students roll a dice. If they can decode one of the words in that number column, they place a counter on that word. Winner is the first student with 4 counters in a row.

This resource contains 15 different sets of gameboards. Each set comes in 5 different colours.

SEQUENCE ONE - Sorted by short vowel sounds
  • CVC Short A Words
  • CVC Short E Words
  • CVC Short I Words
  • CVC Short O Words
  • CVC Short U Words
SEQUENCE TWO - gradual progression of single sounds
  • Set A: s a t p i n m g (1 set of boards)
  • Set B: d o r h l u c b (2 sets of boards)
  • Set C: f k v e j w y z (2 sets of boards)
SEQUENCE THREE - alternative gradual progression of single sounds.
  • Set A: s a t g m c o p (1 set of boards)
  • Set B: r l d b h i u f (2 sets of boards)
  • Set C: v n k e j w y z (2 sets of boards)
Possible different ways to use these gameboards:
  • Decode the word
  • Write the word
  • Put the word in a sentence

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Year/Grade > Kindergarten
Year/Grade > 1st
Format > Literacy Games & Activities
Content Area > Literacy > Phonics > All Decodable > 1. CVC & CVCC CCVC Words > CVC Words
Content Area > Literacy > Phonics > Spelling Activities > Four In A Row