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EDITABLE LABELS- The Kasey Rainbow Collection - RAINBOW BEES

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Are you looking for colourful, whimsical classroom decor to brighten up your classroom space and engage your learners? With a muted rainbow palette, the Beeyond the Rainbow Collection is the perfect mix of colourful and fun, but also clear and calm!

Incorporating exclusive artworks from talented Australian artist Kasey Rainbow, the Beeyond the Rainbow Collection supports your learners with clear visuals and fonts, curriculum content, and everything that you need to create an organised classroom space. 

These editable labels come in a wide range of designs and sizes so that you can create labels for all areas of your classroom.

Over 300 pages are included with:
  • Bee designs
  • Rainbow Hives
  • Rainbows
  • Plain rainbow colour palette
This resource includes 2 POWERPOINT files which you can edit with your own text and font.

PS - If you are a member of The Hive, you will also have access to exclusive slides & digital resources to complement these printable resources. Not a member yet? You can find out more here. 

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Classroom > Decor Packs > BEEYOND THE RAINBOW by Kasey Rainbow
Format > Classroom Organisation
Format > Displays & Posters