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Classroom Items - Data Collection Pages

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Use The Hive's digital slide to introduce this lesson.

Students work in pairs, small groups or individually to collect the data about the number of classroom items. 

Students then answer the follow up questions:
  • How many lights are in the room?
  • How many windows are in the room?
  • What item do we have the most of?
  • What item do we have the least of?
  • Classroom items to be counted:
  • Tables
  • Windows
  • Lights
  • Powerpoints
  • Chairs
Blank templates are also included if you would like students to select their own classroom items to tally.

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Learning Programs > Maths > Kindergarten/Foundation > 3. Statistics & Probability > Data Collecting
Year/Grade > Kindergarten
Format > Worksheet/Printable
Content Area > Mathematics > 3. Statistics & Probability