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Class Goal Posters- Crystals

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These posters can be used in the classroom to promote positive behaviours and encourage working toward a shared goal. They feature different types of crystals that have various meaning:

Unakite releases a grounding energy and allows a change in mindset if needed. This crystal is used on the goal poster- We show a Positive Mindset. 

Rose quartz represents calmness, compassion and love. This crystal is used on the goal poster- We show Kindness and Compassion. 

Sodalite supports communication, logic and intelligence. This crystal is used on the goal poster- We can Collaborate and Co-operate. 

There are three different types of behaviours to focus on and you can choose to work towards all three at the same time or focus on one at different stages. Ten crystals are placed in the jar and moved to the grid when an individual or group of students display that behaviour. 

These posters print out A4 in size (but can be enlarged to A3 for larger posters). 

The Crystals print out on a seperate sheet to be cut and matched to each poster.


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Format > Displays & Posters
Content Area > Social-Emotional > Social-Emotional Learning
Content Area > Social-Emotional > Well-being
Content Area > Social-Emotional > Kindness
Collaborations > x Wholehearted Resources