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BOUNCE BACK Resilience Acronym Posters

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The BOUNCE BACK acronym (created by Pearson Education) is a fantastic way to teach resilience and social skills in the classroom.

The acronym for BOUNCE is:
  • Bad feelings go away again.
  • Other people can help if you talk to them.
  • Unhelpful thinking makes you feel more upset.
  • Nobody is perfect. Mistakes help you learn.
  • Concentrate on the good things & have a laugh.
  • Everybody feels sad & worried sometimes. Not just you.
And for older grades, you may also like to add 'BACK':
  • Blame fairly. What was your fault, what was other’s and what was bad luck?
  • Accept the things you can’t change. But try to change what you can first.
  • Catastrophising exaggerates your worries. Don’t believe the worst.
  • Keep things in perspective. Don’t let it spoil everything.
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Classroom > Classroom Management > Behaviour Management > Behaviour Expectations
Format > Displays & Posters
Content Area > Social-Emotional > Well-being