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Behaviour Consequence Reflection Forms - Positive & Negative Behaviour Choices

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Help students to reflect on their behaviour with these consequence reflection forms and displays. They are designed to complement a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) approach.

 3 levels of reflection forms are included (early years, middle years and older years). Within each level, a variety of options are provided, including:
  • Safe, respectful, learner
  • Safe, respectful, learner, responsible, kind
  • A variety of different behaviour descriptions
  • Coping strategies or alternative strategies that could've been used
  • How behaviours made the other person/s feel
  • Black & white versions
Also included are 3 levels of apology forms are provided for students to use.

Displays are included to complement the reflection process:
  • Negative behaviours
  • Positive behaviour choices
  • What positive behaviour choices lead to
Now includes a wide variety of POSITIVE behaviour reflection forms, to celebrate when students make positive behaviour choices.

American spellings are included.

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Classroom > Classroom Management > Behaviour Management > Positive Behaviour for Learning
Format > Displays & Posters