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Back to School Feelings Activity

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Sometimes can be daunting for students to return to school after a long break. These activity cards can be used as students return to the classroom after holidays or any other absence they have had. They can be laminated and reused, printed out for individuals or used as a whole class activity. 

There are two versions that are differentiated to be used with younger or older students. 

Included in this pack are some Amethyst gemstone cards which can be given to students by their teacher. Amethyst represents a calming energy which can assist when students feel anxious or stressed. 

The activity cards print out A4 in size. 

The Amethyst cards print out 4 per A4 page. 

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Theme > Back to School
Content Area > Social-Emotional > Social-Emotional Learning
Content Area > Social-Emotional > Well-being
Collaborations > x Wholehearted Resources