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Adverb Choice Posters and Flashcards

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These posters are great to enhance student writing as they have access to a variety of interesting adverbs. When writing imaginative texts, students benefit from exposure to an expanded vocabulary and can use these adverbs to create a clearer, more precise picture in their writing. 

The Flashcards can be used in conjunction with the posters to engage students in hands on activities.

These posters print out 2 per A4 page.

The Flashcards are 8 per A4 page. 


Australian Curriculum content descriptions

Understand the use of vocabulary about familiar and new topics and experiment with and begin to make conscious choices of vocabulary to suit audience and purpose (ACELA1470)

Learn extended and technical vocabulary and ways of expressing opinion including modal verbs and adverbs (ACELA1484)

Understand how adverb groups/phrases and prepositional phrases work in different ways to provide circumstantial details about an activity (ACELA1495)

Understand how ideas can be expanded and sharpened through careful choice of verbs, elaborated tenses and a range of adverb groups/phrases (ACELA1523)


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Format > Displays & Posters
Format > Flash Cards
Content Area > Literacy > Grammar & Vocabulary > Parts of Speech > Adverbs
Collaborations > x Wholehearted Resources