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3 in a Row Number Game Templates

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These math templates contain 5 differentiated levels to work on early number skills and addition skills. Four different game templates are included for each level.

Level 1: Numeral ID to 6- roll one six sided dice

Level 2: Numeral ID to 10- roll a ten sided dice. Could also be used to practise Friends of Ten e.g. if you roll a 6, put counter on the 4. 

Level 3: Addition to 12- roll two six sided dice

Level 4: Addition to 18- use three six sided dice

Level 5: Addition to 30- use 3 ten sided dice

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Format > Math Games & Activities
Learning Programs > Maths > Kindergarten/Foundation > 1. Number & Algebra > Whole Number > Numerals
Year/Grade > Kindergarten
Year/Grade > 1st
Content Area > Mathematics > 1. Number and Algebra > Whole Number