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World Kindness Day Activities

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Celebrate World Kindness Day with this freebie!

  • Colouring page- "World Kindness Day" and "Be Kind Always" options
  • Kindness tokens- Spotted being kind, It's cool to be kind.

 For the full version of these activities including coloured tokens, more colouring tokens and much more, see the full Kindness Activities Pack.

For more kindness resources (including all my #kindnessdominoes freebies) check out Kindness Section of Mrs Learning Bee.

Small acts of kindness can start a domino effect. If you use this resource, or any of my other kindness resources, please feel free to share on Instagram with the hashtag #kindnessdominoes so that we can all enjoy seeing kindness in action!


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Year/Grade > Non-specific
Format > Worksheet/Printable
Content Area > Social-Emotional > Kindness