Syllables Game | Build A Pizza
Syllables Game | Build A Pizza
Syllables Game | Build A Pizza
Syllables Game | Build A Pizza

Syllables Game | Build A Pizza

Regular price$2.75
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Are you teaching syllables? Consolidate phonological awareness and rhyming skills with this fun and engaging syllables game! Students build a pizza by matching the slices to a word or number on the pizza bases.

2 pizza base mats are included (print multiple sets) and a wide variety of slices with 1, 2, 3 and 4 syllable words.

How to play:

Each student receives a pizza game board. Place the pizza slices face down in the middle of the group. Students take it in turns to pick up a slice of pizza. If they have a matching syllables number on their pizza board, they place the slice on the board. If not, they replace the pizza slice back into the middle of the group. The winner is the first player to fill their entire pizza board.

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