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Inclusive Sitting Posters & Display - Circular Neutral Design

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These inclusive sitting posters feature 12 sitting positions, with a range of differently-abled students. These displays are inclusive of ALL students by sharing a range of different ways in which children can sit safely in order to access the learning. This allows all students to feel successful and included within your classroom setting. 

The following sitting positions are included:
  • Butterfly
  • Kneeling
  • Legs crossed
  • Legs out (student with hearing aid)
  • Leg up
  • Mermaid
  • Mountain
  • One leg popped
  • Wheelchair
  • Chair
  • Chair and crutches
Students can sit in a variety of positions, as long as it keeps themselves and others safe. 

This resource includes 4 circular neutral designs to choose from, and a variety of heading options. 

These inclusive images are exclusive to Mrs Learning Bee and The Hive - you can also access these images within The Hive to add to your slides, visual timetable, lists & more. Simply search 'inclusive sitting positions' in the image library. 

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Classroom > Decor Packs > Neutrals
Classroom > Classroom Management > Systems & Routines > Inclusive Sitting & Listening
Format > Displays & Posters
Content Area > Social-Emotional > Social-Emotional Learning