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Cat or Kite Task Cards - when to use C or K at the beginning of words

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Are you teaching students when to use C or K at the beginning of words?

This phonics matching activity is a great way to reinforce phonics knowledge for when C or K is used at the start of words. Students must match the Cat or the Kite to the ends of words. 
  • C takes a, o and u
  • K takes i and e.
An infographic is included to help scaffold students if needed.

2 levels are included:
  • Level 1: CVC words and words with common consonant digraphs
  • Level 2: Words with long vowels, r-controlled vowels, diphthongs
A simpler template is also included with just C or K (no cat or kite images).

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Format > Task Cards
Year/Grade > 2nd
Format > Literacy Games & Activities