If you're a teacher looking for the best, most up-to-date evidence-based practices to help your students learn to read and spell, look no further! The Phonics & Beeyond FREE Handbook is packed with information and resources that will support you in your classroom.
You'll find 250+ pages with quality programs and curriculum recommendations, play based learning activities, quality assessment strategies and more - all from teachers who have successfully implemented phonics instruction in their classrooms. The Phonics & Beeyond Handbook is your one-stop shop for all things phonics! Download your FREE copy today
The Phonics & Beyond Handbook is divided into sections to make it easy for you to find what you're looking for.
In Sections 1 and 2, you'll find an overview of phonics instruction.
This includes the importance of phonics and what synthetic phonics is. You'll also learn about the process of synthetic phonics and the metalanguage associated with it. We dive into the four areas of spelling - phonological, visual, morphemic and etymological.
In Section 3, we take a closer look at what phonics instruction looks like in the classroom.
We'll explore how to create a conducive learning environment, how to teach the different components of synthetic phonics, and how to assess student progress. This section also includes a note on decodable texts, which are an important part of any phonics program. You'll find an overview of decodable texts and how to use them in your classroom.
In Section 4, we move onto explicit phonics lessons.
Here, you'll find detailed information and resources on phonological and phonemic awareness, the first year of school, grades one and two, and grades three to six. This section includes a wealth of information on how to teach each of the different components of synthetic phonics.
Section 5 is our Resource Bank, where you'll find a wealth of activities and resources to support your phonics instruction.
This section includes information on running effective activities, phonological and phonemic awareness activities, early alphabet activities, single sound activities (including tips about letter formation), blending and segmenting skills, decodable sentences, building phonics fluency, and more advanced phonological activities. There are a wide variety of play-based learning activities that you can use in your classroom or at home to support your child's literacy development. These activities are designed to help children develop phonemic awareness, learn letter-sound correspondences, practise blending and segmenting words, and use decodable words in the context of text (decodable sentences).
In Section 6, we take a look at high-frequency words.
We'll explore the educational shift in teaching practice and the use of heart words, as well as how to teach explicit lessons and consolidation activities. This section includes a range of resources and activities that you can use in your classroom to support your students' high-frequency word learning.
In Section 7, we explore the importance of etymological knowledge.
We'll look at how this type of knowledge can support your students' spelling development, as well as the different types of morphemes and their meaning. This section includes a range of resources and activities to support your teaching of etymological knowledge.
In Section 8, we explore assessment in the phonics classroom.
We'll look at formative assessment techniques, learning check-ins and more formal assessments. This section includes a range of resources and activities to support your assessment practices in the phonics classroom. There are a variety of quality assessment tasks which you can use to assess your students' progress in reading, phonics, and spelling. These tasks are designed to provide you with an accurate picture of your students' strengths and weaknesses, as well as their progress over time. Top tip- it's more about formative assessment, and less about the South Australia spelling test!
In Section 9, we explore how to integrate phonics instruction with other areas of literacy.
We'll look at the importance of reading and writing, and how you can support your students' development in these areas through phonics instruction. This section includes a range of resources and activities to support your teaching of reading and writing.
In Section 10, you'll find information on phonics displays & learning walls.
This includes phonological and morphemic displays, high-frequency word displays, and more. Phonological displays are a great way to help your students learn the different sounds that letters make. Morphemic displays are a great way to help your students learn the meaning of different suffixes and prefixes. You can use them to help students understand how words are formed and change meaning. High-frequency word displays can also be used conjunction with other phonics instruction activities to support your students' learning.
In Section 11, we explore how to use technology in the phonics classroom.
We'll look at the different types of technology available and how you can use them to support your students' learning. This section includes a range of resources and activities to support your teaching with technology.
Finally, in Section 12, we explore where to find more information on phonics and literacy education.
We'll look at a range of resources, including online resources, books, and programs. This section includes a list of recommended readings and websites, as well as a list of phonics programs and storage ideas.
But wait, I'm a parent!
If you're not a teacher, but are interested in supporting your child's literacy development at home, the Phonics & Beeyond Handbook is still a great resource for you. You'll find play based learning activities that you can do with your child, as well as ideas and resources for developing strong phonics skills.
So whether you're a teacher, a parent, or just someone who wants to learn more about how to support children's reading and spelling development, this Handbook is a must-have!
Everything you need to know about phonics- all in one place!
So there you have it - everything you need to know about phonics instruction, all in one place! The Phonics & Beeyond Handbook is your comprehensive guide to evidence-based literacy education practices. No matter what stage you're at in your phonics journey, the Phonics & Beeyond FREE Handbook is sure to have something for you.

So what are you waiting for? Get your FREE copy today!