The best classroom decoration ideas for every learning space
If you've landed here, it's probably that time of year again! At the start of the school year, the age-old debate about classroom decorating once again comes around. New teachers particularly can get caught up in the hype of classroom décor sets and classroom decoration ideas for their first classroom. As the first day of school nears, many teachers can be found searching for bulletin board ideas and classroom inspiration, all in the name of creating a welcoming atmosphere for their students. Meanwhile, on social media, you can find other teachers passionately campaigning that you don't need to decorate your classroom in order to create a welcoming space for your class.
So let me start by saying this - you can enjoy classroom decorating, or you can not, and still be a phenomenal teacher! A beautiful classroom - or a classroom theme - doesn't make you a good teacher…or a bad one!
I personally fall in the camp of enjoying a bit of classroom decorating in my own classroom, for many (if not all) of the reasons I've listed in this blog post. However, some of the very best teachers that I've ever come across have not given two hoots about what their classroom learning environment looks like. And that is exactly the point!
The best part? Just as our kids are all so wonderfully unique, so are we too, as educators! And how special it is that our kids get to experience such a range!
Reasons why you might want to decorate YOUR CLASSROOM:
- You enjoy the creative outlet and/or getting crafty. You like thinking about the smallest details of your classroom, finding the right place for classroom supplies, regular visits to the dollar store, and love when you come across a great classroom decoration idea.
- You want to find a clever way to cover up unappealing parts of your classroom e.g. peeling walls, mouldy carpet. You might get great satisfaction out of scouring garage sales and your local dollar store for the perfect addition for your classroom. Below are just some of the many old classroom features that I've worked hard to cover up over the years- and a couple of creative ways that I've found to do exactly that! From wall decorations and motivational posters, to unique classroom decorations like home-made pom poms, contact paper, green leaves and more... there are loads of creative ideas for covering up unattractive wall space and floors!

- You enjoy changing things up, in the same way that you might enjoy a change in the decor of your own homes. Maybe you want to add some pops of colour for visual interest, or maybe you want to incorporate more neutral colors for more of a calming effect. Maybe you enjoy a classroom decoration theme, or creating a fun classroom door.
- Your current displays are in need of replacing- perhaps they've faded in the sunlight or have general wear and tear. Maybe you've found an inexpensive way to create flexible seating or other great additions for your classroom.
- For whatever personal reasons, you might want the 'distraction', and creating a cosy reading nook or creative way to display student work is a welcome distraction for you.
- You spend a large portion of your life in your classroom, and so you want your classroom to be a welcoming place that you enjoy being in each day as well.
Does this make you a bad teacher? No. Be intentional with it and keep the kids at the centre of any decisions that you make in your space, but enjoy creating those gorgeous classrooms!
Reasons why you might not want to decorate YOUR CLASSROOM:
- You don't have time- perhaps you are away on holidays, perhaps you are looking after your own kids, perhaps you have other commitments.
- You don't enjoy decorating and/or you aren't particularly fussed if everything matches. You aren't fussed if you have a cohesive color scheme throughout your classroom, or whether your bulletin board borders match!
- Your classroom set up worked well for you last year, and you don't want to change it.
- You don't want to spend your own money on your classroom.
- You can't access your classroom during the holidays.
- You'd rather spend your holidays doing other things. You simply don't have any desire to decorate your whole classroom.
Does this make you a bad teacher? No.
The non-negotiables:
I do believe that whether or not you enjoy (or believe in) classroom decorating, there are non-negotiables for setting up ANY classroom space at the beginning of the year.
I haven't always gotten it right. Over the years, I've definitely been guilty of over-filling spaces, creating pointless displays, and everything else in between. But these are the guidelines that I now use when considering anything related to setting up my classroom and/or displays:
- Have an organised and tidy room which will help you to have clear structures and routines. Have clear storage space for school supplies, think of the best ways to lay out furniture to allow for easy transitions, and teach students how to take care of the classroom environment too.
- Make sure it's not too visually cluttered, so that students are not overwhelmed with information. Select displays that are most important, and don't be afraid to take displays down if students aren't using them. If using decorations or inspirational quotes, be mindful of how and where you use them. Don't over-use.
- Co-construct with students- wherever possible, put displays up WITH students, so that they understand how to make use of the displays. No matter what grade level you teach, it's super important to ensure that students understand how to utilise their classroom learning walls effectively.
- Ensure it is developmentally appropriate- if on the younger years, choose fonts that are easy to read and reinforce the skills that you are teaching. For example, I only use script for fancy titles, I avoid fonts with a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, and anything that students will be copying (e.g. days of the week, numbers) are in an easily readable font.
- Don't laminate for the sake of laminating. The funny thing about teachers is this strange notion that everything needs to be laminated, but guess what?! Displays rarely need to be laminated! By printing on heavy card or paper, you reduce glare and noise bouncing off the walls, and can recycle once you're done with it.
- Ensure it meets the specific needs of YOUR students. For example, sit where your students will sit and check that they can read the displays that you intend for them to use. Or if teaching a student with sensory needs, you might need to consider your use of bright colors.

Have a clear place for everything, with resources easily accessible.

Prioritise displays that students actually use, and consider whether it's necessary to laminate wall displays. Ensure fonts are developmentally appropriate.

Reduce visual clutter and lay out furniture in a way that will allow for easy transitions.

Wherever possible, co-construct learning walls WITH your students. This will mean they are far more likely to use it.
Please feel free to share this blog post with any teachers who might find these thoughts helpful- whether that be because they are feeling guilty for enjoying decorating, or overwhelmed because they feel pressured to decorate.
Either way, I hope this is a helpful reminder that a pretty classroom is not what makes a good (or bad) teacher!
Looking for more?
You'll find over 500 classroom posters and displays here!
Plus, check out these classroom decor sets. They have all been designed to not only create a calm and welcoming classroom space, but also support your learners with clear visuals, easy-to-read fonts, comprehensive curriculum content and a strong emphasis on social-emotional learning — everything you need for an organised and inspiring learning environment.